Frequently Asked Questions
Are Dialspree Internet Phone handset products still available for purchase?
No, the product line has been discontinued.
Does the Dialspree Internet Phone connect to my phone line, or to my PC?
It connects to your PC, specifically, to the microphone and speaker jacks provided by your sound card.
Can I make calls to a "real" telephone or only to another PC?
You can call either.
There are many PC-to-Phone services that offer low-cost calling to a regular telephone line.
I've been making Internet calls using a PC headset, but I have to unplug my speakers and then plug them back when I'm done.
Does the Dialspree Internet Phone make it easier?
Yes. An extra speaker jack is provided so that you don't have to swap cables when you make a call.
You simply can turn down the volume on your speakers instead of unplugging them.
I've been making Internet calls using a microphone and my PC speakers, but I have to use half-duplex mode to prevent echos.
Does the Dialspree Internet Phone allow me to talk and listen at the same time?
Yes. Because the handset's speaker and microphone are acoustically separated, you can carry on a full-duplex conversation without echos.
Does the Dialspree Internet Phone work with the MacIntosh?
Unfortunately, no.
The sound card connections for the MacIntosh are different from the PC standard.